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Auditions help us get to know you, your child, and one another.

Here’s how the audition process works


Complete our simple questionnaire. This document helps us learn about you, your child, and your expectations for their education.


Browse our materials and perform your own research on the Acton educational model.

Formal Entry:

Submit documentation indicating your intention to enroll in our school.


Complete an in-person interview where we address all questions and concerns. During the interview, we will confirm whether Acton Buckhead is a good fit for your family.


Your child enrolls at Acton Buckhead and begins the Hero’s Journey toward lifelong learning!

What happens during an interview?

It’s actually quite simple! We sit down together to talk about your child, your family, and your expectations for their education.
Is your child currently struggling in a traditional school? Do you think a non-traditional environment would motivate your child to learn? Whatever your questions and concerns may be, we can address them during the interview process.
Together, we’ll determine whether Acton Buckhead is a good fit for your family.

What you should know before your Acton Buckhead audition

Traditional vs. Non-traditional

Acton Buckhead is a non-traditional school. Unlike traditional K-12 schools, whether public or private, we do not group children according to age.
Instead, Acton students learn in mixed-age studios. We also don’t provide grades or measure learning with tests. Instead, students earn badges to indicate their achievements and create portfolios and public exhibitions

Learner-driven vs. Teacher-driven

There are no “teachers” at Acton Buckhead. Instead, every studio has an adult facilitator known as a guide. Guides never answer questions; rather, they respond to learners’ questions with additional questions.
This Socratic approach empowers students to make their own discoveries and take ownership over their learning.

What makes a family a good fit for Acton?

Children who do well at Acton typically come from families who value the following:

Lifelong learning:

Parents and their children are excited to learn, do, and be. They place a greater emphasis on discovery than on just being right about something.

Mastery-minded study:

Developing a keen understanding of a subject is more important than just remembering and reciting facts about that subject.


Our character is shaped by accountability. The school community can – and should – hold learners accountable for growth and progress.

Learning through setbacks:

All of us fail at times. However, when we do, we should embrace our failure as an opportunity to grow and adapt.

You’re going to be amazed by your child’s achievements.

Show your child what it’s like to truly love learning.